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Headed to Dragon Con 2023 with the New "Dirty Dancing/Super Mario Brothers" and "Mrs. Cake, Noted Feline Ax Murderess" T-Shirts (Hopefully) In Tow
Dragon Con is around the corner again, the truck has been rented, the booth has been purchased, the AirBNB has been booked, and we're excited to head down and be part of this absolutely amazing event in what can be called its purest form. Our first Dragon Con was in 2021, as Covid protections began to wind down and attendance was capped for safety. Restrictions were lifted a bit further last year, and this year we expect to face the full attendance/presence of Dragon Con at its best.
That being said, we've finished design work on our upcoming "Dirty Dancing/Super Mario Brothers" and "Mrs. Cake, Noted Feline Ax Murderess" t-shirts, and hope to bring them with us to debut at Dragon Con. We're incredibly proud of these designs, and Coner Corbett did an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING job in bringing the "Dirty Dancing/Super Mario Brothers" design to life out of what was just an awkward/silly/haphazard idea.
We'll be on the third floor of the America's Mart marketplace, we'll have a large 3D LED fan spinning with 7+ hours of assorted dorkitude encoded into it, and we'll have free terrible life and relationship advice for you. Come on by, say hi, feel free to lob assorted marmots at our confused selves, and we'll do everything we can to provide something that is awesome.
Dragon Con is an amazing event, it's worth the hours on the road, Tracy Bell creates an AMAZING vendor space, and we can't wait to see it at its full self once again.