Over the past few months, we've heard your suggestions ("You should make a ladies' tank top), your demands ("You should really make a ladies' tank top) and your more pertinent demands ("Make a ladies' tank top or we will find a way to beat you to death using only this box of uncooked ramen noodles...")
That being said, we've landed on four initial designs that will be ported to the first batch of racer back tank tops, which will be available in small through 2XL sizes. We're getting the order off today, will let you know the moment they arrive, and here are the designs for your consideration:
As always, please let us know what you think and which designs you want to see made into a future tank top. If you don't tell us, we don't hear it and that leaves both parties just kind of annoyed with each other as they go out for coffee...
We're Making a Line of Ladies' Racer Back Tank Tops!!!